成功哺乳十大步驟 – 世界衛生組織2018更新




精簡導讀此次更新的關鍵2點為;1b.增加與機構與家長溝通說明書面政策的必要性;2. 對於機構中工作人員母乳哺育的知識與支持技能,應有評量機制,以確保照護品質。

完整文件如下。                                               理事長 王淑芳

  • (2018年4月11日更新版) 翻譯:國際事務主委 翁少萍醫師









1a. 完全遵守『國際母乳代用品銷售守則』和世界衛生大會相關決議。

1b. 制定書面的嬰兒餵食政策,並定期將此與員工和家長溝通。

1c. 建議持續的監測和數據管理系統。

2. 確認工作人員有充足知識,能力和技能來支持母乳哺育。


3. 跟孕婦和其家屬討論母乳哺育的重要性和處理。

4. 促進即時及無干擾的肌膚接觸,並協助母親們生產後儘快開始母乳哺育。

5. 支持母親們開始和持續母乳哺餵,以及常見問題的處理。

6. 除非醫療上有必要,否則不要提供母乳哺育的新生兒母乳以外的任何食物或液體。

7. 讓母親們和他們的嬰兒能保持在一起,並且執行24小時親子同室。

8. 支持母親們認識並回應她們的嬰兒之餵食徵象。

9. 忠告母親們使用奶瓶、奶嘴、安撫奶嘴的危險性。

10. 出院安排,讓家長們和他們的嬰兒需要時能及時獲得持續的支持和照護。





Ten steps to successful breastfeeding (revised 11 April, 2018) http://www.who.int/nutrition/bfhi/ten-steps/en/

WHO and UNICEF launched the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) to help motivate facilities providing maternity and

newborn services worldwide to implement the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.

The Ten Steps summarize a package of policies and procedures that facilities providing maternity and

newborn services should implement to support breastfeeding.

WHO has called upon all facilities providing maternity and newborn services worldwide to implement the Ten Steps.

The implementation guidance for BFHI emphasizes strategies to scale up to universal coverage and ensure sustainability over time.

The guidance focuses on integrating the programme more fully in the health-care system,

to ensure that all facilities in a country implement the Ten Steps.

Countries are called upon to fulfill nine key responsibilities through a national BFHI programme:

Ten steps to successful breastfeeding

Critical management procedures

1a. Comply fully with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and relevant World Health Assembly resolutions.

1b. Have a written infant feeding policy that is routinely communicated to staff and parents.

1c. Establish ongoing monitoring and data-management systems.

2. Ensure that staff have sufficient knowledge, competence and skills to support breastfeeding.

Key clinical practices

3. Discuss the importance and management of breastfeeding with pregnant women and their families.

4. Facilitate immediate and uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact and support mothers to initiate breastfeeding as soon as possible after birth.

5. Support mothers to initiate and maintain breastfeeding and manage common difficulties.

6. Do not provide breastfed newborns any food or fluids other than breast milk, unless medically indicated.

7. Enable mothers and their infants to remain together and to practise rooming-in 24 hours a day.

8. Support mothers to recognize and respond to their infants’ cues for feeding.

9. Counsel mothers on the use and risks of feeding bottles, teats and pacifiers.

10. Coordinate discharge so that parents and their infants have timely access to ongoing support and care.

There is substantial evidence that implementing the Ten Steps significantly improves breastfeeding rates.

A systematic review of 58 studies on maternity and newborn care published in 2016 demonstrated clearly

that adherence to the Ten Steps impacts early initiation of breastfeeding immediately after birth,

exclusive breastfeeding and total duration of breastfeeding.