今年四月GOLD18課程中,來自新加坡的WONG BOH BOI博士,在分享臨床幫助乳房腫脹的案例中,提出一套自我發展的乳房按摩方式,開啟學界與臨床對於運用按摩幫助婦女產後哺乳的新視野。
撰文整理:林憶淳 老師
Morhenn V., Beavin L. E., Zak P. J.於2012年的研究指出按摩可以增加催產素的分泌並降低促腎上腺皮質激素(ACTH)分泌;近幾年生產教育逐漸受重視,其中輕撫按摩減痛法就是透過輕柔的身體按摩刺激催產素分泌,來增加生產母親對疼痛的耐受度以及身體的放鬆。但截至目前為止,鮮少人將此類方法運用於產後泌乳期的母親。
2017年刊載於Journal of Maternal and Child Health的文獻,透過嚴謹的隨機對照實驗研究,並且運用量表與統計學考驗,更證實結合”全身性”的「促催產素輕撫按摩」與「乳房冥想」確實能夠降低產後母親的產後焦慮值、增加泌乳量。
1. 按摩於臨床運用廣泛,包括世界衛生組織教材中建議的背部按摩,以及近年少數研究提出的乳房按摩,全身性的撫觸對哺乳母親的幫助也有其重要性。
2. 冥想除了放鬆,更在於鼓勵人們認識自己的身體、理解身體所釋放出的訊息、進而增加對身體的自信;乳房冥想在哺乳期的意義,是哺乳母親增加母育信心的方式之一。
3. 哺乳即生活,有健康平衡的身心,重視嬰幼兒需求之虞,亦需重視哺乳母親的需求。才有快樂哺乳的母親。「促催產素輕撫按摩」與「乳房冥想」具有增加奶量的效果,唯有在需要的時候提供給媽媽建議,並不鼓勵常規性執行。
背景: 取樣與方法: 結論: |
Optimizing the Combination of Oxytocin Massage and Hypnobreastfeeding for Breast Milk Production among Post-Partum Mothers
Lutfiana Puspita Sari1), Harsono Salimo2), Uki Retno Budihastuti3)
1)Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta
2)Department of Maternal and Child Health, Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta
3)Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta
Background: The incidence of post-partum blues both in Indonesia and abroad has been quite high; the stress that post-partum mothers experience will inhibit breast milk production and, as a result breastfeeding process should be stopped earlier. Hypnobreastfeeding relaxation and oxytocin massage have been a combination of therapy that might decrease the rate of Adenocorticotropic Hormon (ACTH) and that might assist hormone and prolactin secrection in
order that breast milk production becomes fluent. This study then aimed at analyzing the optimization of the combination of oxytocin massage and hypnobreastfeeding in order to decrease anxiety and to improve breast milk production among post-partum mothers.
Subjects and Method: This was an analytic experimental study with Randomized Control Trial (RCT) design. This study was conducted at Dr. Suradji Tirtonegoro Central General Hospital, Klaten, from January 25th, 2017 until March 9th, 2017. The population in this study was 200 post- partum mothers. A sample of 60 post-partum mothers was selected for this study and allocated into the intervention group (n1= 30) and the control group (n2= 30). The intervention group would be treated by the combination of oxytocin massage and hypnobreastfeeding. The dependent variables were anxiety and breast milk production. The independent variables were oxytocin massage and hypnobreastfeeding. The anxiety was measured by STAI scale. The breast milk production process was measured by checklist questionnaire. The breast milk production amount was measured by milking cups. The breast milk production between the two groups was tested by Mann-Whitney.
Results: The anxiety scale in the intervention group was better and lower than that of the control group.
The differences in terms of anxiety scale between the intervention group (median= 24.00; SD= 4.45) and the control group (median= 34.00; SD= 6.93) were statistically significant (p<0.001). Then, the differences in terms of breast milk production process between the inter- vention group (median= 9.00; SD= 1.66) and the control group (median= 8.00; SD= 1.56) were nearly significant (p<0.145). Furthermore, the differences in terms of breast milk production amount between the intervention group (median= 10.00; SD= 10.36) and the control group (median= 4.50; SD= 4.21) were statistically significant (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Combination of oxytocin massage and hypnobreastfeeding can effectively decreasing anxiety and increasing breast milk production for post-partum mothers.
Keywords: oxytocin massage, hypnobreastfeeding, breast milk production, post-partum
Lutfiana Puspita Sari. Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Email:
bidanlutfiana@gmail.com. Mobile: +6282221522374.